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The University of Regina is a public university located in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. It offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degree programs across various fields of study, including arts, sciences, business, education, engineering, health, and social work. The university is known for its emphasis on experiential learning, research opportunities, and community engagement.
This page contain all necessary information to engage with the RITS team. You can find our services catalogue, different ways to contact us, some of the projects we have supported in the past, as well as projects we are supporting now and more.

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The Digital Research Alliance of Canada serves Canadian researchers, with the objective of advancing Canada’s position as a leader in the knowledge economy on the international stage. By integrating, championing and funding the infrastructure and activities required for advanced research computing (ARC), research data management (RDM) and research software (RS), we provide the platform for the research community to access tools and services faster than ever before.