Health Psychology Laboratory > About Thomas > Selected Awards & Distinctions

Selected Awards & Distinctions

  • 2024 Saskatchewan Order of Merit Recipient


  • D. O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology as a Science (Canadian Psychological Association)


  • Betty Haven Prize for Knowledge Mobilization in Aging (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute of Aging)
  • Distinguished Career Award, Canadian Pain Society
  • People Choice Award (Tran, Stroulia and Hadjistavropoulos) for Best Age Tech Demonstration during the National Convention of the AGE WELL Network of Centres of Excellence
  • Pain Awareness Award for Knowledge Mobilization, Canadian Pain Society
  • M. Powell Lawton Award for Distinguished Contributions to Clinical Geropsychology (Society for Clinical Geropsychology, American Psychological Association)


Dean of Arts Prize for Accessible Scholarly Outreach, University of Regina

World Congress on Pain, Boston

Distinguished Career Award from the Special Interest Group on Pain in Older Persons, International Association for the Study of Pain.

Recognized as CACBT Fellow in Hamilton, Ontario (with CACBT Past President, Dr. Deborah Dobson)

Elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Cognitive and Behavioural Therapies for distinguished contributions to cognitive and behavioural therapies in Canada.

University of Regina Award for Excellence in Graduate Student Research Mentorship (Sponsored by the University of Regina Alumni Association).

Follow this link for the full story.

The article by Santos, Castro-Caldas and Hadjistavropoulos (2012) won the award of Best Clinical Paper published in the Portuguese journal “Dor” during 2012.

The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal (Recognized by the Government of Canada in the National Precedence of Orders, Decorations and Medals).

Silver Quill Award for Knowledge Translation (T. Hadjistavropoulos, T. Dever Fitzgerald and G. Marchildon) from the Canadian Physiotherapy Association.

University of Regina Research Chair in Aging and Health

Thomas Hadjistavropoulos being inducted in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Ottawa, 2009
(with Senator Michael Kirby and Academy President, Professor Martin SChechter)

  • Elected Fellow of the Canadian Academy of the Health Sciences (CAHS) in recognition of outstanding accomplishment and leadership in the health sciences. [Fellowship with CAHS represents one of the highest honours available to Canadian Health Scientists.]
  • The book co-edited by Thomas Hadjistavropoulos and Heather Hadjistavropoulos, “Pain Management for Older Adults: A Self-help Guide”, is one of three books receiving Honourable Mention in the 2009 Awards Program of the American Medical Writers’ Association
  • Canadian Psychological Association Foundation (CPAF) Access to Innovative Psychological Services Award. Awarded to the Centre on Aging and Health (Principal Applicants: Thomas Hadjistavropoulos and Heather Hadjistavropoulos)

President, Canadian Psychological Association Foundation (CPAF)

Dr. Robert Vallerand (right) passes the CPA Presidential Gavel to Dr.Thomas Hadjistavropoulos

  • President, Canadian Psychological Association
  • Distinguished Member Award, Canadian Association on Gerontology
  • Elected Fellow, American Psychological Association in recognition of outstanding and unusual contributions to the science and profession of psychology

Dr. Thomas Hadjistavropoulos Receiving the 2006 SHRF Career Achievement Award. Pictured with Thomas (right to left) are the Honourable Pat Atkinson (Advanced Employment Minister of Saskatchewan), Dr. Gregory Marchildon (SHRF Board Chair), and Ms June Bold (SHRF Chief Executive Officer).
Photo courtesy Heather McLeod Photography

  • Saskatchewan Health Research Foundation Achievement Award (Socio-Health)
  • President-Elect, Canadian Psychological Association
  • RBC Senior Research Fellowship (2006-2010)
  • Saskatchewan Centennial Medal (recognized by the Government of Canada in the national precedence of orders, decorations and medals)
  • Saskatchewan Health Care Excellence Award
  • University of Saskatchewan Alumni Mentorship Award


Dr. Thomas Hadjistavropoulos receiving the Saskatchewan Centennial Medal.

Dr. Dozois congratulates Dr. Hadjistavropoulos at the CPA Convection in St. John’s Newfoundland, 2004

Elected to the status of Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association Section on Clinical Psychology for distinguished contributions to clinical psychology in Canada

  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Investigator Award (2002-2007)
  • Elected to the status of Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association for distinguished contributions to the science and profession of psychology
  • University of Regina Award for Excellence in Research
    (sponsored by the University of Regina Alumni Association)
  • President’s Scholar Award, University of Regina
    (Awarded but declined)


2002 University of Regina Award winners for Excellence in Research (Thomas Hadjistavropoulos; left), Undergraduate Teaching (Nader Mobed; centre), and Public Service (Elizabeth Cooper, right).
Sponsored by the U of R Alumni Association

Early Career Award for Excellence in Pain Research (Canadian Pain Society-Chapter of the International Association for the Study of Pain)