Graduate students in the lab have won a variety of other awards and distinctions for academic excellence, clinical performance and research achievement.
Our psychology training clinic at the University of Regina is accepting referrals (including self-referrals) for cognitive behavioural therapy. See poster below for more info:
It was a truly moving experience to visit the atomic bomb dome near ground zero in Hiroshima. I’m concerned with where the world is headed and believe that every world leader should visit Hiroshima and go through the Peace Memorial Museum.
Congratulations to my doctoral student @AIGMcLennan for winnning this prestigious award!
Last month, #UofRegina's @DrThomasHadjist was honoured with the Saskatchewan Order of Merit. 🏅
Congratulations to Dr. Hadjistavropoulos on his internationally recognized work as a psychologist, researcher, academic, and mentor-- and on this amazing achievement!
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It's not every day that a faculty member is honoured with an award for Distinguished Contributions to #Psychology as a Science. Huge congratulations to Dr. Thomas Hadjistavropoulos on this amazing accomplishment! 👏
@DrThomasHadjist | @UofRArts | @CPA_SCP
I moved to Canada in 1981. In 1990 I met my best friend, Peter Bieling. Amazing coincidence: he received the @CPA_SCP award for distinguished contributions to psych as a profession on the day I received the award for distinguished contributions to psychology as a science