Jaime Williams

Dr. Jaime Williams completed her doctorate in Clinical Psychology (2008) at the University of Regina. Her doctoral studies have been supported by a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Fellowship as well as by a competitive fellowship from the Alzheimer Society of Canada. Her Master’s studies at the Health Psychology Laboratory were supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Her work relates to basic and applied investigations of fear of pain among seniors. Dr. Williams has extensive experience in working with individuals with severe cognitive impairments. During her studies at the Health Psychology Laboratory she published several peer-reviewed papers and presented her work at a variety of scholarly conferences. Her pre-doctoral internship was completed at the QE-II Hospital in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Following her studies at the Health Psychology Laboratory, she accepted a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. Dr. Williams played the primary role in the construction of the Health Psychology Lab website.