Natasha Louise Gallant

Dr. Natasha Gallant, a fluently bilingual scholar, completed her doctoral studies in clinical psychology at the Health Psychology Lab. She was admitted into our clinical psychology graduate program after completing her honours psychology degree at Huron College, University of Western Ontario. As an undergaduate student, Ms. Gallant pursued research on pain phenomena which provided excellent preparation for her graduate work at the Health Psychology Laboratory. She completed her Master’s thesis while investigating the role of social support in the pain experience of older adults. Her doctoral dissertation focused on implementation science related to barriers and facilitators in the adoption of advanced technologies for pain assessment in long-term care. Her graduate work was funded, in part, by fellowships from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.  In her spare time Dr. Gallant enjoys playing piano and the guitar. Following the completion of her studies, she became employed as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Regina.