Centre on Aging and Health > About CAH > About the CAH Grant and Eligibility Criteria

About the CAH Grant and Eligibility Criteria

All University of Regina full-time faculty members in term (of two years or more), probationary, or continuing appointments are eligible for these awards. Only one application may be made per competition. The adjudication committee will not entertain applications in any two consecutive years from the same individual.

These awards are intended to fund pilot projects or other work aimed to lead to the preparation of a major (i.e. >$50,000) national or provincial application in the area of health and aging. These awards may be used for all legitimate research expenses, including (but not limited to) research travel, research assistants, supplies, equipment (including computing equipment), telephone, fax and photocopying costs. The funds may also be used to subsidize teaching release stipends. It is understood that the timing of the teaching release stipend will be decided between the faculty member and his or her dean or department head. The head/dean signature will signify approval of the request for teaching release.

  • Deadline for receipt of applications is December 15, 2022.
  • Number of Awards Available for 2022: 1
  • Amount Available for 2022: $1,500
  • The application is to be submitted to CAH Administrator by the above deadline.
  • Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  • All applications must be submitted in electronic form and bear the signature of approval of the applicant’s head of department or dean.
  • Applications should be submitted through email to: Kathryn.Smart@uregina.ca
  • Application receipt will be acknowledged by e-mail. If your application is not acknowledged, please contact the CAH Administrator at 306.337.8477

The CAH adjudication committee will judge the applications. The committee will consist of two CAH full members and an associate member or trainee. The Vice-President Research will appoint committee members for 2-year renewable terms. The adjudication committee will report to the office of the Vice-President Research and International and must render its decision within two months from each competition’s deadline.

Awards will be placed in separate accounts in the names of the recipients. Expenditures may be made only for those specific purposes authorized by the Chair of the CAH awards committee. All financial claims against the account (travel, purchase requisitions, etc.) must be signed for by the recipient of the award and approved by the dean/department head. Awards will not be placed in accounts until all required ethical clearances have been obtained, if necessary.

Awards will administered by the Office of Research Services on behalf of the CAH.

Recipients of awards must complete a project report and submit it to the Director of the Chair of the CAH’s Awards Adjudication committee at the completion of the project or within one year of the time that a grant is authorized. These reports are to describe the substantive results of the work for which the grant was made. No further awards from the CAH fund will be considered until the report is received. A copy of the national grant application developed with the aid of the award should also be sent to the CAH Administrator.

For further information, contact:

CAH Administrator

CAH Grants Program application form

Click the button below to download the CAH Grants Program application form (.docx)