Regina Brain Awareness Week 2012
The University of Regina Centre on Aging and Health Presents:
The Diving Bell and The Butterfly
A Film by Julian Schnabel
French film with English Subtitles
The Diving Bell and The Butterfly is the true story of Jean-Dominique
Bauby. Based on his memoir, the film depicts Bauby’s life after a
massive stroke that left him with locked-in syndrome. Mentally aware of
his surroundings, but paralyzed except for movement in his left eye,
Bauby wrote his memoir using only blinks of his left eyelid.
A discussion with Dr. David Malloy of the Faculty of Kinesiology and
Health Studies as well as representatives of the Regina Qu’Appelle
Health Region will follow.
Thursday, March 15, 2012 at 6:30pm
Education Building (ED) Room 191
Free Admission
Open to the Public
Free parking available in Lot 15