
Part of our mandate is to ensure the public and university community are aware of important aging and health research. One of the best ways to disseminate that information is through public lectures and events. Each year, we sponsor, organize, and host a range of events such as our annual Distinguished Lecture as well as an annual Brain Awareness Week event. Check here for upcoming CAH events.

2024-25 Brain Awareness Week Film Screening and Discussion

2024-25 Distinguished Lecture – Live Long Die Short: Aging at the Intersection of Technology, Philosophy, and Purpose

2023-24 Distinguished Lecture: Ageism Unmasked

2023-24 Brain Awareness Week Film Screening and Q & A

2022-23 Distinguished Lecture: Can We Prevent Some Dementias Now?

Manuel Montero Odasso (MD, PhD, FRCPC, AGSF, FGSA) Western University, Ontario

2022-23 Brain Awareness Week Film Screening and Discussion

The Father, a film starring Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Colman

Does Wearing a Facemask Affect Ability to Perform Exercise?

Click on the “Links” tab to view recorded lecture on our YouTube channel.

CAH Virtual Series

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will not be holding in-person events this year. Instead we have been adding content online as part of our CAH virtual series. Click “Links” to Access our YouTube!

POSTPONED: Can we prevent some dementias now? The role of Healthy Aging, Frailty, and Lifestyle Interventions – 2019-2020 Distinguished Lecture

Manuel Montero-Odasso (MD, PhD, FRCPC, AGSF, FGSA) Western University, Ontario

Improving Older Adults’ Quality of Life Through User-Friendly Advanced Technologies

2 Public Events on March 14th, 2019. Events are open to the public. Free admission.

2018-2019 Distinguished Lecture: Stress, Excercise and Biological Aging

2018 Regina Brain Awareness Week Lecture

Addressing Pain and Injuries in Long-Term Care Through the Use of Advanced Technologies

2017-2018 Distingushed Lecture: Better Now: How we Can Improve Healthcare for Seniors

Dr. Danielle Martin, Women’s College Hospital and University of Toronto

2017 Brain Awareness Week Lecture: Creating a Sense of Purpose with Meaningful Tasks: How Can Technology Improve Quality of Life in People with Dementia?

Mark Chignell, PhD Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering University of Toronto

2016-2017 Distinguished Lecture: Maximizing Brain Health and Independence in Old Age

Maureen Schmitter-Edgecombe, PhD Professor of Psychology, Washington State University

2016 Brain Awareness Week Film Screening

Still Alice by Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland. Q&A with Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan and the U of R Department of Psychology to follow.

2015-2016 Centre on Aging & Health Distinguished Lecture

Exercise and Nutrition: Keys to Successful Aging–public lecture by Dr. Eric Rawson, Professor of Exercise Science at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania

2015 Brain Awareness Week Film Screening

First Cousin Once Removed, a film by Alan Berliner. Q&A to follow.

2014-2015 Distinguished Lecture

Integration of Older Adults in Society: Is It Really Beneficial? Speaker: Dr. Neena Chappell, University of Victoria

2014 Regina Brain Awareness Week Film Screening

Amour. A film by Michael Haneke